
Inka Trail 4 Tage

Der Inka Trail nach Machu Picchu ist der berühmteste Weg in Südamerika. Es wird von der National Geographic als einer der 10 schönsten Wanderungen der Welt anerkannt. Es zeigt Landschaften, die auch schon zur Inkazeit allgegenwärtig waren: die Anden-Gebirge, archäologische Orte, Sonnenauf- und Sonnenuntergänge in den Lagern.

Am Ende des Treks bekomen Sie den größten Preis: Sie kommen zum Inti Punku und gelangen zu den Ruinen von Machu Picchu!

  • Dauer: 4 Tage
  • Ankunft: Täglich
  • Abflug: Täglich
  • Destinationen: Cusco, das Heilige Tal, Machu Picchu
  • Aktivitäten: Abenteuer, Trekking, Camping





Tag 1 Inka Trail: Cusco – Wayllabamba (M) (A) Camping
Tag 2 Inka Trail: Wayllabamba – Pacaymayo (F) (M) (A) Camping
Tag 3 Inka Trail: Pacaymayo – Wiñay Wayna (F) (M) (A) Camping
Tag 4 Inka Trail: Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu – Cusco (F) —–

Frühstück (F)

Mittagessen (M)

Abendessen (A)

Tag 01: Inka Trail – von Cusco nach Wayllabamba

Treffen Sie Ihren Transfer früh am Morgen für die Fahrt von Cusco nach Ollantaytambo, wo Sie Ihr Inca Trail Team treffen werden

Sie fahren weiter mit dem Auto nach Piscacucho / KM 82, wo die Wanderung beginnt. Der erste Teil des Treks ist ein leichter Aufstieg. Stoppen Sie, um an den Llacatapata-Ruinen Atem zu holen und setzen Sie Ihre Wanderung durch ein üppiges Tal zu Ihrem ersten Campingplatz für die Nacht in Wayllabamba fort.

Wanderstrecke: 16 km | Minimalhöhe: 9,840 Fuß (3,000 m) | Maximalhöhe: 13,830 Fuß (4,200 m) | Ungefähre Zeit: 6 bis 8 Stunden | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Herausfordernd

Tag 02: Inka Trail – von Wayllabamba nach Pacaymayo

Heute steht Ihnen der härteste Tag der Wanderung bevor. Zuerst werden Sie einen steilen Zickzack-Aufstieg zu Warmiwañusca, bekannt als Dead Woman’s Pass, bei 13.780 Fuß gelegen, anpacken. Als nächstes werden Sie einen ebenso herausfordernden Abstieg in das Pacaymayo-Tal machen. Im Austausch für Ihre Bemühungen erhalten Sie Aussichten auf die majestätischen Vilcabamba Berge aus der Ferne. Genießen Sie das Abendessen auf Ihrem Campingplatz in Pacaymayo und gehen Sie in Ihre wohlverdiente Ruhe ein.

Wanderstrecke: 16 km | Minimalhöhe: 8,700 Fuß (2,650 m) | Maximalhöhe: 12,500 Fuß (3,900 m) | Ungefähre Zeit: 8 bis 10 Stunden | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Moderat

Tag 03: Inka Trail – von Pacaymayo nach Wiñay Wayna

Heute ist der Weg in den Bergnebelwald mit archäologischen Stätten übersät, die einen eindrucksvoller als die anderen. Sie werden die Ruinen Runkurakay, Sayacmarca, die über dem Aobamba-Tal thront und die Ruine Phuyupatamarca, die die “Stadt in den Wolken” genannt wird, sehen. Sie kommen zum Campingplatz Wiñaywayna, wo Sie die letzte Nacht auf dem Inka Trail verbringen werden. Machen Sie sich bereit für einen frühen Start für die letzte Teilstrecke auf dem Weg nach Machu Picchu.

Wanderstrecke: 16 km | Minimalhöhe: 8,700 Fuß (2,650 m) | Maximalhöhe: 12,500 ft (3,900 m) | Ungefähre Zeit: 8 bis 10 Stunden | Schwierigkitsgrad: Moderat

Anmerkung: Wenn der Wiñaywayna Campingplatz für die Zeit Ihrer Wanderung ausgebucht ist, wird Ihnen stattdessen der Phuyupatamarca Campingplatz zugeordnet. Campingplätze werden beim Buchen des Treks zugewiesen.

Tag 04: Inka Trail – Machu Picchu Tour

Sie stehen vor der Morgendämmerung auf und gehen eine Stunde zum Inti Punku, die Sun Gate, wo Sie Ihren ersten Blick auf Machu Picchu bekommen. Genießen Sie ein letztes Mal mit Ihrem Guide und der Trekkinggruppe die Tour durch die gemauerten Zitadelle, entlang der Kanten von Terrassen und an den Fuß der Strukturen sowie den Tempel der Sonne und den Raum mit drei Fenstern, die die außergewöhnlichen Baufähigkeiten der Inkas bezeugen.

Nachdem Sie die letzen Fotos von Machu Picchu gemacht haben, nehmen Sie den Bus zurück in die Stadt. Von Aguas Calientes geht es wieder mit dem Zug zum Bahnhof und von da werden Sie mit einem privaten Transfer zurück nach Cusco gebracht.

Wanderstrecke nach Machu Picchu: 3 km | Ungefähre Zeit: ca. 1 Stunde | Schwierigkeitsgrad: Moderat

*Ergänzen Sie Ihre Tour:

  • Erleben Sie eine grandiose Aussicht aus der Vogelperspektive auf die Ruinen, wenn Sie den Huayna Picchu Berg besteigen. Die ikonischen Gipfel bilden den Hintergrund von zahlreichen Machu Picchu Fotos. Eintrittkarten sind begrenzt und müssen im Voraus gebucht werden. Lassen Sie uns so bald wie möglich wissen, wenn Sie die Herausforderung annehmen möchten.
  • Verlängern Sie um einen Tag. Verbringen Sie die Nacht in Aguas Calientes und kehren Sie am nächsten Tag nach Machu Picchu zurück oder erkunden Sie die Umgebung.

Our Mobilities

  • Clean transport
  • Comfortable seats
  • Professional drivers
  • Transportation for solo customers or couples
  • Transportation for small groups
  • Transportation for large groups

Zug nach/von Machu Picchu


  • 3 Nächte Camping
  • Alle Mahlzeiten auf dem Inka-Trail
  • Touren im Reiseverlauf mit englischsprechenden Guides
  • Transfers und Eintrittskarten
  • Inlandsflüge (separat aufgeführt von den Reisepaket-Kosten)
  • Persönlicher Gepäckträger (bis zu 7 kg)
  • Kurze Präsentation des Inka Trails in unserem Büro in Cusco, das sich nur einen Block vom Hauptplatz befindet
  • Transport von Cusco nach Piscacucho, liegt bei Km. 82 (Privater Service)
  • Eintrittskarten zum Inka Trail und Machu Picchu
  • Alle Mahlzeiten, die im Reiseverlauf erwähnt werden (3B, 3L, 3D)
  • Verschiedene Snacks an Tagen 1, 2, und 3
  • Abgekochtes Wasser
  • Ausgebildete lokale Köche und Kochgeräte
  • Vier-Jahres-Zelte – 2 Personen pro Zelt
  • Zwei-stündige Führung bei Ihrer Ankunft in Machu Picchu
  • Busticket von Machu Picchu nach Aguas Calientes
  • Zugticket Aguas Calientes / Poroy; Abfahrt zwischen 15 Uhr – 18:35 Uhr
  • Transfer vom Hauptbahnhof in Ollantaytambo zu Ihrem Hotel in Cusco
  • Vegetarisches Essen auf Anfrage ohne Aufpreis erhältlich
  • Notfall-Sauerstoffflasche
  • Erste-Hilfe-Ausstattung
  • Flugpreis- und Hotelberatung auf Anfrage sowie Buchung

Nicht inbegriffen:

  • Internationale Flüge
  • Mittag- und Abendessen (wenn nicht anders angegeben)
  • Schlafsack (kann in Cusco gemietet werden)
  • Trinkgeld


EUR € 760.00 /Person


Inca Trail FACTS

The vast Inca’s Empire was connected by an extended Inca trail system. The Classic Inca Trail is the most popular trail in Peru. This is the only trail that has as final destination, Machu Picchu. There are several places from where it is possible to start the Inca Trail, but the most popular one is the Classic Inca Trail which consists of a hike of 4 Days and 3 Nights.

The Classic Inca Trail is located in Cusco, Peru. If you would like to hike the Inca Trail, you will need to have permit because the Peruvian government only allows 500 people per day. The only way to get a permit is by hiring a registered tour operator or a travel agency working directly with a tour operator. All tour operators and travel agencies offer packages including the permit and other services. It is important to get book your Inca Trail with a travel agency or tour operator that is going to provide you the service that you are paying for.

The Classic Inca Trail starts at the kilometer 82 where the small Andean community of Piskacucho is located. Piskacucho is located about 8,500 feet above sea level. On the way to your first campsite you will be able to observe the Urubamba River, beautiful nevadoes, and the ruins of Huillcaraccay, Patallacta, and Pulpituyoc. Wayllabamba is the name of your first campsite and is located about 10,160 feet above sea level.

The second day of the Inca Trail is the most difficult one because you will hike at a constant incline until you reach the first pass named Warmiwañuska or Dead Women’s Pass which is located about 13,770 feet above sea level. This is the highest point of the Inca Trail and you will be able to enjoy a beautiful view. Your second campsite is named Pacaymayo which is located about 11,800 feet above sea level. This is a magical spot where you will enjoy of the mystical view provided by a sky full of stars.

The third day of the Inca Trail is the most beautiful one. A magical path is going to take you to your next campsite named Wiñaywayna. Right after starting the day, you will visit the ruins of Runkurakay and then you will recah to the second pass named Runkurakay located about 12,330 feet above sea level. On the way to your last campiste, you will visit the ruins of Sayacmarca and Phuyupatamarca. Once at Wiñaywayna, you might visit the ruins of the same name.

The fourth day of the Inca Trail, you will wake up very early and then you will start your hike at about 5:30a.m. In order to arrive at dawn to the Gate of the Sun or Intipunku which is located about 8,920 feet above sea level. If it is not cloudy, you will have an incredible view of Machu Picchu. Once at Machu Picchu, your guide will take you to the main temples and rooms of Machu Picchu for about two hours. Later on, you will take a bus to Aguas Calientes. Once in Aguas Calientes, you will take a train to Ollantaytambo and then a transfer will drive to your hotel in Cusco.

Hiking the Inca Trail is an amazing experience wich you will never forgetin your life. In order to be ready to hike the Inca Trail, you should acclimatize to the altitude of Cusco. Also, you should be in shape to really enjoy the trek. If you are not used to hike, the service of an extra porter should be hired to carry your personal belongings.

Inca Trail FAQ

When is the best time to hike the Inca Trail?

The dry season is generally the best time to do the trek. The dry season runs from April to November, while the wet season runs from December to March. Even during rainy season it doesn’t usually rain all day long.

June to September are the most popular months for treks. May and October offer the nicest weather. The Inca Trail is closed in February.

Can I buy the Inca Trail permit on my own and hike the trail on my own?

No, you are not allowed to buy the permit or hike the trail by yourself. The National Institute of Culture only sells permits to authorized tour operators.

Do all the tour operators provide the same service?

No. Make sure that you are hiring a professionally run tour operator that will take proper care of you and the environment. If you see prices that are too low, be careful. Some companies have hidden extra charges or fees. Some companies won’t provide all the services they claim they are offering.

Could I hike the Inca Trail at any time?

Yes, as long as there is availability on the day you will start the trek. You don’t need to check for availability for all the days you will be on the trek, just the starting day. However, during the month of February the trail is closed for maintenance.

Why do I need to check availability?

Availability is restricted by the Peruvian Government. Only 500 people per day are allowed to hike the Inca Trail.

How far in advance should I book my Inca Trail?

Due to limited availability, we recommend that you book your Inca Trail trek at least 3 months in advance. If you plan to hike the Inca Trail during busy season (June through September), you should book it 6 months or more in advance.

How do I reserve a spot for the Inca Trail?

Contac us by e mail

What should I do if there is no availability for the days that I will be in Cusco?

There are alternative treks, such as Salkantay, Inca Jungle Lares and Choquequirao. You can also take the train from Cusco or Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes and visit Machu Picchu. If you are planning on visiting Machu Picchu, we recommend spending the night in Aguas Calientes; that way you will have enough time to really enjoy the magic and mysticism of Machu Picchu.

Why do I have to make a deposit?

In order to get your Inca Trail permit and secure your space, we need to pay in advance the entrance fee to Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail permit and your train tickets. If you only complete the booking form, without making the deposit, we won’t be able to secure your spot. The security deposit is non-refundable once the permit has been purchased.

What happens after I make the security deposit?

First, you will receive an e-mail confirming the payment. Second, you will receive an e-mail or call from an Advice Peru representative. That person will be in charge of your account.

Once we receive your permits from the National Institute of Culture (takes about 1 week), we will e-mail a scanned copy to you. Two weeks before your departure date, you will receive an e-mail including a link to our secure server for your final payment, and we will ask you for your hotel/hostel information in Cusco so we are able to arrange your briefing and transfers. If you desire, we will book a hotel in Cusco for you and add the total to your final payment.

After the final payment is received, we will send you via e-mail a voucher with important contact information and details of the services that will be provided to you in Peru.

Can I change my starting date for the Inca Trail?

Once the Inca Trail permit has been purchased, you cannot change the starting date without incurring an additional cost. The permits are issued by the Peruvian Government and are non-refundable and non-transferable. If the permit has been issued and you need to change your starting date, you will lose your deposit and a new security deposit will be required.

Does Advice Peru INC give refunds for cancellations?

Please refer to our terms and Conditions

Can I hike the Inca Trail the same day that I arrive at Cusco?

The main effects of altitude sickness show the first or second day. For that reason, we highly recommend that you hike the Inca Trail at least a couple of days after arriving in Cusco.

What should I do to avoid altitude sickness?

To avoid altitude sickness, give yourself time to acclimatize to the change in altitude (2 to 3 days). For instance, if you are trekking the Inca Trail, you should rest the day before. Try to avoid alcohol, and make sure you eat lightly and drink plenty of water. Make sure to stay hydrated, walk slowly and take frequent breaks. Drinking coca leaf tea always helps. It is widely available, and your hotel in Cusco will probably offer it as well.

What should I do if I get altitude sickness?

Drink plenty of liquids, (coca leaf tea will definitely help), take a nap and try to rest. If you are in the middle of the trek and start feeling dizzy, extremely tired, nauseated, and have a headache, ask for advice from your guide. Guides have plenty of experience in this matter.

Do the porters carry my sleeping bag and mattress foam?

If you book our Classic 4 Day Inca Trail tour package, our porters won’t carry your sleeping bag and the mattress foam we will provide you before starting the trek. We offer the service of porters to carry up to 15 pounds (7 kilograms) and 30 pounds (14 kilograms.)

For Inca Trail packages of 8 or more days our porters will carry up to 15 pounds (7 kilograms) of your personal belongings. Please make sure your belongings do not weight more than that. The foam weights about 3 pounds and a regular sleeping bag weights about 4-6 pounds. If you have more weight than 15 pounds and you do not want to carry it, please hire the service of an extra porter.

Do you provide water during the trek?

Yes. We provide treated water every morning and at every meal. At meal times we will also provide tea or coffee. During the trek, approximately every 2 hours, you will be able to refill your bottle in small streams or mountain springs. Water should be safe to drink, but we recommend using water purification tablets, which can be bought in most pharmacies in Cusco. However, after using the tablets, you’ll have to wait approx. 30 min. before drinking the water.

You will be able to buy water and other snacks during the first day, on the second day until 10:00 a.m. and at your camp site the third day. Please give your trash to your porters at the end of the day. Help us keep the trail and the ecosystem as clean as possible.

What should I bring on the trek?

Mainly hiking shoes, long sleeve shirts, t-shirts, a good jacket, scarf, gloves, raincoat, hat, thermal pants and socks for the cold nights, sunglasses, a good sleeping bag for cold weather (We can rent you one.), mosquito repellent, sunscreen, water purification pills, toilet paper, flashlight, a small first aid kit, some coca leaf candies, and of course a camera.

Rain gear is recommended during the wet season (December to March) and cold weather gear-warm jacket, thermals, hat and gloves-is recommended for the dry season, especially June to August.

Are there bathrooms along the trek?

Yes. During the trek you will find basic bathrooms at the end of the first day, two hours after starting the second day hike and at the end of the second day hike and at your lunch and night camps the third day. If you have booked the deluxe package, a portable and ecological toilet will be provided.

How difficult is the hike?

The entire 4-day trail hike is approximately 45km/28 miles so the distances traveled each day are not very long. Although it is generally accepted that anyone who is accustomed to hiking and camping can hike the Inca Trail, the altitude can make hiking these distances feel about twice as difficult as hiking the same distance at sea level.

What is the food like on the Inca Trail?

A cook accompanies every group on the Inca Trail. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and hearty snacks are provided for your hike. Meals are a mix of local specialties and international favorites. Vegetarian meals are also available upon request at the time of booking.

What are the guides like?

Advice Peru guides are among the very best and most experienced guides anywhere. They are from the surrounding Cusco – Sacred Valley area and speak fluent English. Most have plenty of years of experience leading Inca Trail hikes and all have training in the history, culture, ecology and spirituality of the area.



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